Monday, February 2, 2009

The Editing Bin


The Editing Bin came into being when someone suggested that Rachel, Stephanie, and Becca podcast the conversations they regularly had after seeing a film. The idea was novel, but surely, the girls thought, recording a movie podcast was better left to people with “official” film credentials. Still they decided to investigate the possibilities, and in doing so they discovered that two kinds of film critics seem to dominate movie review podcasts.
First, there are the critics who watch mainly French or other foreign films. Their focus is on the serious technicalities of how a film is made: its cinematography, color palette, and costumes. If a film is not Oscar worthy or made before 1960, it is not worth watching.
The second group of film critics is the three-minute movie reviewers. Their reviews inform the moviegoer of the film’s general plot and whether it is “awesome” or “kick-ass” enough to be worth seeing. They often use ratings systems to help convey their opinion of a film, but do not fully explain why a film received the number of stars or fingers that it did.
Here at the Editing Bin the critics have worked to create a balance between the two by focusing on the important details of how a film is made, while stopping to ask what it is trying to convey and why. Movies serve many purposes, one of which is to entertain without overtaxing the brain. In other words, truly funny popcorn flicks deserve attention too. After all, judging Schindler’s List and About a Boy on the same star-rating system would be pointless for comparison, yet both are excellent examples of films in their respective genres.
Rachel, Stephanie, and Becca created their own rating system –
*Buy it,
*Catch it in theaters,
*Rent it,
*Wait for syndication, or
*Run, run away
– because the language of stars is not natural to the regular moviegoer’s decision-making. The Editing Bin’s podcasts are shaped in everyway by the belief that movie reviews should speak the language of the movie-watcher, not the other way around.
This is the kind of podcast that we at the Editing Bin want to hear and we hope you agree.

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