Friday, January 16, 2009

Back in New York

I returned yesterday from my incredible adventures abroad. After being in Albania for three weeks, I ventured with others to Egypt. The week we spent there was absolutley incredible. From Hatshepsut's temple to the Valley of the Kings to the great Pyramids everything was amazing. At times I just looked at the places I was visiting and realized just where I was. I have loved studying ancient Egypt since I was a little kid and being there, walking through the desert and venturing into the shafts of the pyramids and tombs were some of the most thrilling experiences I have ever had.We arrived back in New York and I am enjoying it so much. I never thought that I would be this happy to be back in the city. It has been really neat to see how God is providing for everything and not just for me either. I didn't want to come back to the states because I was enjoying not worrying about all the many things that had to be done for this summer and next semester, but since I have been back in the past 24 hours God has provided for everything that I can even think of. From housing, to jobs, to school payments, to my senior thesis, he has been faithful. It's also been neat to see how He is providing for other students here, Jordan with her summer housing, Heidi with her ranch details, and Brekly's adventure in Africa. God is strong and faithful.

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