Friday, January 16, 2009

Trip in Time

This summer is not one of boredom. I feel like every couple of weeks I am in a new location, a new country, or a new state. Which could be because I am. A week ago I left New York went with my grandparents and aunt to New Jersey and then the following day headed to Virginia. I have now been in Williamsburg for the past week.This past week I stayed with my Grandparents, Uncle, and Mom. Mom flew up from Florida to see me, since she hasn't gotten to see me since Spring Break. It was nice to get to see her even for a little bit. They helped drive me to all the places I had to be for Orientation and the like. Yesterday was the first and only day that I got to spend the entire day with them. We ate at Chik-Fil-A and then wandered around Jamestown and Williamsburg, before they had to leave to go home.The rest of the summer for the most part, will be spent here, working at Colonial Williamsburg. I am interning with the Carpenter's here. I get to spend time in the historic city working as a carpenter from the 1700's. Yes, I also have to be in costume. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work out at Great Hopes Plantation and on Wednesdays I work in the city itself at the Carpenter's shop. I enjoy being at the plantation more, because I get to be outside all day. The shop is neat, but there isn't a whole lot for me to do there and it gets boring after a while.I am staying with a young couple from a church here in town. The LeGrande's were able to help me find a place to stay with them. They are nice and just found out that she is pregnant with their first kid. Because of that she has been really sick.The only thing that needs to get worked out, is that I need to find a job outside of CW. Since the internship isn't paid and I need to eat and pay for housing it is necessary to find an income. I think that I am going to go out later and try and find something. Maybe I will wander back into CW as well. I am going to borrow their bike this summer and I will probably be in really good shape by the time I have to head back to NY.

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