Friday, January 16, 2009


I am enjoying working at CW. Tuesdays and Thursdays I am at the farm, and I really enjoy being out there. I think the reason is that I get to be outdoors more than anything. Steve and Aenda are fun to work with cause they act like themselves and don't try to be anything else. Jeff is an interesting character, he's a college guy who plays football and doesn't seem to care much about life. Wes is really nice and just a good southern guy, works hard, kind, etc.On sunday morning, Whitney gave me a call. She told me that saturday evening she and Mark had gone out for a nice dinner and he had proposed. So it looks like my little kiddo is going to be tying the knot. I am glad for her. I can tell how he has really changed her life and I am appreciative of him for bringing joy back into it. She's very happy which makes me extremely happy. I just hope that she doesn't put aside her dreams for him and that she really thinks through everything first.On another note, Jennifer is coming down for the 4th of July weekend and then Becki and her family are coming down on the 13th. I am looking forward to seeing familiar faces. It isn't that I haven't had a good time here, but it is difficult to find people my own age to hang out with since basically all I do is work at CW and then read/work on my Sr. Thesis. But life is still good. I haven't been able to find a job yet. This weekend I am going to go and see if I can find something else. Although it is really nice just working at CW, but I really need to find a source of income so that mom and dad don't have to worry about spending more money on me. I love them dearly and they would do it, but I want to be able to alleviate some of their burden, which they probably won't let me do.Lauren's wedding is next month and I am going to try and get up to Jersey for that, which means again that I need some money. Why does everything revolve around money? Sa la vie.Anyway, tomorrow I think that I will head back to the farm, since I really don't have anything else to do. Crap! I need to call the eye doctor to get back over there. Hmmm.

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